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  • MIMETAS offers flexible fee-for-service solutions for therapy prioritization, optimization, and de-risking of compounds.

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  • Our OrganoReady program is made for you when you need optimized assays for investigational toxicology.

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OrganoReady® Collagen

40 or 64 ready-to-use chips pre-seeded with Collagen-I for a flexible and more robust workflow.

MIMETAS ready-to-use OrganoReady Collagen in the OrganoPlate 3-lane 64 Does your workflow demand flexibility?

Growing leak tight tubules in the OrganoPlate® requires an optimal batch of ECM such as Collagen-I, validated with your cells.

The OrganoReady® Collagen plate is pre-seeded with a validated and optimized batch of Rat-Tail Collagen in the central channel. Specifically developed to achieve optimal tubule formation and barrier integrity with most Epithelial and Endothelial cells.

Built on the OrganoPlate 3-lane platform with either 40 or 64 chips, you can add speed and robustness to your workflow with a ready-to-use plate that doesn’t require ECM handling, and can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 months. Seed your endothelial or epithelial cells on-demand to create either one or two leak tight perfused tubules.

OrganoReady Collagen features:

  • 40 or 64 ready-to-use chips pre-seeded with Collagen-I (Rat tail)

Expand your screening capabilities and build more robust 3D in vitro cell models with the flexibility and speed of 2D models.


Our OrganoReady® Family

Product details

Meet the OrganoReady® Collagen


We handle the ECM so you can focus on your cells
Improve your 3D cell culture success rate. Seeding, validation and quality control of the OrganoReady® Collagen plates is performed by our experts to achieve better Endothelial and Epithelial barriers.

Apical and basal access
Obtain polarized tubules that you can access from the Apical or the Basolateral side to study drugs absorption, and transporters functional activity at scale.

Platform versatility
With up to 3 months of shelf life at room temperature you can access complex in vitro models truly on demand for smoother workflows.

Increased time- and resource-efficiency
Build 3D in vitro models that need less than 100 µl per perfusion channel, with as much cells as in a 96 well plate, and no daily media changes.

Get the full picture to better de-risk your therapeutics
With high content microscopy, you can add a deeper view on your drugs Toxicology and ADME screening workflows.



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Efficiency at its finest. Meet the OrganoReady.

With the extended shelf life of 3 months at room temperature you can build on-demand better in vitro models without having to handle and validate ECM batches.

Focus on building consistent Epithelial and Endothelial 3D-mensional tubules without the variable of the ECM.

In this video, Immune cells (T cells in green) transmigrate out of an Endothelial tubule (HMEC-1 cells in red) in response to an inflammatory stimulus. Made for high content microscopy, our plates allow you to peer deeper into your model. Are you ready to take your cell culture to the next level?

Our OrganoReady® family

Want to know more?

Get up to speed with 3D tissue culture and learn how OrganoPlate® supports your research needs.

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