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OrganoTEER®: Know Your Barriers. Fast.

On-Demand Webinar

The OrganoTEER® combined with the OrganoPlate® allow you to measure epithelial barrier function in real-time leaving your cells intact. You just click a button.

With OrganoTEER® you can accurately and repeatedly evaluate epithelial functions, leaving your cells intact and without the interference of artificial membranes.

No more messing about with electrodes or labeled compounds that destroy your samples.

You just place the device on your tissue models grown in OrganoPlates, and you can obtain TEER values from all your samples in real-time even under flow conditions, just with the click of a button. User-friendly software will help you make sense of the generated data, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly.

Since your cells are not damaged, you can perform long term time-lapse studies or just proceed with further experiments.

Assessing barrier function doesn't have to take an entire day, OrganoTEER® allows you to focus on the experiments that matter.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why the current TEER systems have limitations
  • Why tissue barriers are crucial for organ function and how to assess them
  • What are the applications of OrganoTEER® in QC, toxicity tests, and disease modeling

Register Here


Chiwan Chiang, Field Application Scientist at MIMETAS

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