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App Note: High-Content Assay for Morphological Characterization of 3D Neuronal Networks in a Microfluidic Platform

The establishment of physiologically relevant in vitro models is crucial to further understanding the mechanisms of neurological diseases as well as targeted drug development. While iPSC-derived neurons show great promise for compound screening and disease modeling, the use of three-dimensional (3D) structures is emerging as a valid approach for neuronal cell-based assay development. 3D cultures are recognized as more closely recapitulating aspects of the human tissues including the architecture, cell organization, as well as cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. That is why we have developed a high-throughput 3D neurite outgrowth assay using iPSC-derived neurons developed in the OrganoPlate® platform.


Benefits of the model:

  • Establish a high-throughput 3D neurite outgrowth assay using iPSC-derived neurons
  • Generate more in vivo-line results using the microfluidic OrganoPlate® platform
  • Optimize high-content imaging for evaluation of treatment effect on neuronal networks


Want to learn more? Download the app note below!


Download the app note here


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